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Chapter 16, Part 4
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“So, that means that b squared is…” Charise muttered, scribbling down her calculations. Her thoughts were interrupted as “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead” began playing from her cell phone. Charise groaned, remembering the day that she’d jokingly set that as the ringtone for when her mother would call. Well, now it was just a tacky joke. She made a mental note to change it at the first opportunity she had.

“What’s she doing, calling me?” she muttered, feeling guilty about the now inappropriate ringtone. She sighed and flipped the phone open. “Hi, Mom.”

“Charise?” her mother said, sounding weary.

“Yeah, Mom, it’s me.”

“Did Vicky tell you and your dad?”

Charise bit her lip, silent for several seconds, before responding, “Yeah, she did.”

Julianna took a deep breath. “Charise, this is going to sound crazy,” she began.

Oh, dear God, what now? Charise thought. What does she want me to do?

“Charise, honey,” Julianna said slowly. “You know I’m dying.”

Charise frowned, not knowing how to reply to this. Do I say something? It would be mean to say, “Yeah, Mom, you’re going to be pushing up daisies in about a year.” But lying to make her feel better isn’t any better.

Julianna didn’t wait for a response. “Charise, there’s something I want to see before I die.”

“What’s that, Mom?”

“I want to see you get married.”

Charise was stunned into silence. What?! she thought. She struggled to collect her thoughts. “Uh, Mom, I’m not even engaged to anyone,” she said slowly.

“So? You can get married and then get a divorce. I did when I was younger than you,” Julianna replied.

“Mom, I am not going to do that.”

“But you can marry that cute friend of yours. The one I met at the restaurant.”

“Mom, I am not going to marry S.”

“Why not? You need someone to take care of you.”

Charise sighed, frustrated. Even when she’s dying, she has to be a pain! she thought. “I can take care of myself,” she said sharply.

“But I’d feel better knowing you had someone to provide for you.”

“Mom, that’s why I’m going to college. It’s so I can take care of myself.”

“So, you’re not getting married? Not ever?”

Charise rolled her eyes. “Maybe one day, but not anytime soon. I want to graduate and have a job. Then, maybe I’ll get married.”

“Okay, fine. You don’t have to get married,” Julianna replied. She paused for a moment. “Then, I would like to see a grandchild produced.”

Dear God, that’s even worse! Charise thought. “No. No way. Not happening,” Charise replied.

“Why not? You don’t need to get married. You can just, you know, get a donor. Or, you can get one of your cute guy friends to ‘donate,’ if you know what I mean.”

“Dear God, Mom!” Charise exclaimed. “I do not need to hear this kind of stuff from you!”

“Does this mean I won’t have a grandchild?”

“I am not going to have kids just to make you happy,” Charise snapped.

“Fine, fine. No need for you to be touchy,” Julianna sniffed. “I just asked a simple question.”

“And I just answered it,” Charise replied.

Julianna sighed. “No marriage, and no kids. What a sad, empty life you’re going to lead.”

Charise rolled her eyes. “Look, if I take some pictures in wedding clothes, and maybe get some guy to dress up like a groom and take pictures with me, will that make you happy?”

“That’ll be fine, I guess.”

“Okay then. When would you like the pictures done?”

“Before next month, if possible. Actually, next week would be better.”

Charise sighed. What have I gotten myself into? she thought. “Fine.”


“Wait, you want me to do what?” S asked.

“Please?” Charise pleaded. “It’ll shut my mom up, for a while. She’s dying!”

Gee, I thought you were all upset about her dying, S thought wryly. And now, you’re back to your usual self. Well, except for the weird request. Why the hell are you doing what Mommy Dearest wants? Well, I guess everyone wants the Wicked Witch of the West to shut up and leave them alone, right?

“Question,” S said. “Why does it have to be me? Why can’t Dunstan do this?”

Charise shrugged. “She likes you better.”

S raised an eyebrow, disbelieving. “Okay…” he said slowly. “So, when do you want me to wear the monkey suit?”

“Soon,” Charise said. “It’s just for a few pictures. It won’t kill you, right?”

S turned away, hiding a slight smile. Despite his misgivings about the pictures, he couldn’t help but like the idea of Charise and himself taking pictures together, looking like a married couple. Not that we’ll ever really end up a couple, he thought. I’m starting to give up on her, sort of. I think that maybe, just maybe, I should just move on. Otherwise, I’m just going to get old and wrinkled, waiting for her to notice me. Oh well. At least we’ll get to play “couple” once, for the camera. Might be fun.

S said slowly, trying not to reveal his thoughts, “I guess I’ll do it. Just… make sure the suit looks nice. Okay?”



Julianna stared at her computer screen, running her fingers over the keyboard. This is very difficult for me to write, she thought. But it has to be done.

She gathered her thoughts, then began to type, adding to the growing list:

After my death, my home and land are to be sold. The resulting money is to be divided as such: fifty percent shall be given to Charise Gina Marlow, thirty percent shall be given to Preston James Marlow, and the remaining twenty percent shall be divided evenly between Beverly Victoria Harris, Ophelia Desdemona Foley (to be given upon heir turning 21), and Nathaniel Zachary Foley (to be given upon heir turning 21).

In addition, all possessions and clothing are to be given to Charise Gina Marlow. The items that said heir does not desire ownership of are to be sold, and the resulting money are to be given to the heir.

She thought for a moment longer, chewing on her lip. After re-reading what she’d written, she added a new section.

Codicil. In the event...


“Smile!” Ophelia called out. “That’s it! Work it, baby! Work it!”

Charise made a face at her cousin. “This is enough of a pain for me. Stop making it more so.”

“I wasn’t talking to you,” Ophelia shot back, laughing. “I was talking to S. What woman could resist him in that tux. Yummy!”

Charise raised an eyebrow. “What’s this, you’re actually noticing guys?” she teased. “I think my baby cousin is finally growing up.”

“I grew up a long time ago,” Ophelia replied. “You just never noticed.”

“True. One of these days, I’ll have to ask Mae and Cy how puberty went for you.”

Ophelia made an evil face at Charise, and they both laughed. S smiled a little, glad to see them getting along and joking. Ever since the fundraising concert, Charise and Ophelia had more or less walked on eggshells around each other. Ophelia’s words made S blush a little. It had been a long time since any woman had said anything like that to him. Who was the last person who said anything about me being good-looking? he thought, trying to remember. Tacita? Yeah, I think so. He smiled to himself. Maybe I’ll ask her to hang out sometime. She and Jeff broke up recently, I think. In fact, I think that after this little photo shoot is through, I’ll call her up. Maybe.

“Okay, okay, now smile and act like you’re in love!” Ophelia called out.

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