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6) Training
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Great-aunt Kara was a great athlete. You'll often find her working out to stay in shape. She actually seems to enjoy it.

She will also train Great-grandpa Kane. He was her brother. (She only had one.)

Kalini accomplished her lifetime want to make over 4K a week in royalties. Then, she wanted to get into shape too. She hates the outdoors, so we remodeled a bit and moved the running machine inside. Kolton helped with her training.

Kolton wants a perfect mind and a perfect body, so he makes a perfect trainer. He is still quite good-looking, isn't he? He is still nice too.

Kolby decided that he wants to be a super spy. He's a loner and a computer whiz, so hopefully he'll make a good spy. He is in good shape and even helps Kory train.

Now, just Kory needs to figure out what he wants out of life. He is the only Kleptos who hasn't decided, by at least his teen years, what he wants to be. (I can't really say much though, I was rapidly approaching graduation before I knew what I wanted to do with my life.)

Aunt Kimi, who was a hit movie composer, died. Kolton went to the cemetery downtown. He brought her headstone back so we could put it in the family plot.

I guess that's all for now.

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