I have lost my mind.
Date Posted: 20th Jan 2017 at 6:55 AM Views: 181
Am I going to be journaling now? I have no idea. I just, for some reason, felt the need to document the date and time I realised that I have officially lost my dang mind.

Not enough that that first upload kitchen has apparently mushroomed into an entire house. Not enough that in making some extra rooms so that I could put that big batch of walls and floors to better use has resulted in more than doubling the number of walls and floors. Finally I bask in the sweet relief of casting aside all sense and sanity, as I take a quick inventory of how this "Claybee bedroom" is coming along and discover that I've made over 200 .package files for this one bloody room. And I'm not finished yet!

No chance every one of these makes it into the final upload, but they all still happened.

I may have become obsessed.
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