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#1 Old 20th Jun 2015 at 9:31 AM
Default Sims not using common area to eat

I've known this for a while but whenever my sims make food in the common area kitchen, they will always go back to their apartment, sit down and eat on the couch/chair instead on a table. The only way for them to eat at the common area is to eliminate all sitting furniture in their apartment. Then they'll eat at the tables.

When they serve food though, they will put the servings on the tables and be able to eat there but when you "Grab plate". They go straight back to their apartment.
Is this an intentional feature or bug?
Is there a mod to remove/fix this?
Forum Resident
#2 Old 20th Jun 2015 at 9:52 AM
Lock their apartment door
It's not a fault, but the game assuming you get an apartment because you want to use it, not eat with strangers and common rif-raf.

Otherwise, if you like CC... simlogical apartment fixes may help. They encourage sims to use the community area's more.
#3 Old 20th Jun 2015 at 1:06 PM

Read this

The drop off has been made. You've been warned.
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