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#726 Old 20th Dec 2023 at 10:00 PM
I had a pet cat but I dunno if they were called Polly or Pauly. Maybe it was 2 cats cos sometimes it was extra fluffy and other times it was just normal cat
Test Subject
#727 Old 23rd Dec 2023 at 6:44 PM
I usually don't dream much, or don't remember them. However lately I've been having recurring stress dreams.

Most recent felt like I woke up normally, but no one else would. My wife and pets stayed sleeping regardless how hard I tried to wake them. When I went outside, the moon was enormous and felt like it was getting closer, before I woke up.
#728 Old 9th Feb 2024 at 2:01 PM
Usually, this happens to me once a year or even rarer than that: being woken up from your own laughter which carried over from your dream.

It has happened to me twice in a span of maybe 3 or 4 days. The first time, I woke up laughing at around 4, and then went back to sleep. At around 9 though, I had a strong nightmare, so I guess it balanced out...

And then the most recent one was about playing a race car video game. Two cars crashed, but it produced a sound somewhere between the roblox oof sound and an echoing fart. I was laughing for quite a time before falling asleep again. It's dumb and juvenile but it's also truly one of the best feelings ever - an inverse nightmare!
Mad Poster
#729 Old 9th Feb 2024 at 4:17 PM
I was half asleep watching some food-related Youtube video last night. All of a sudden I'm dreaming the person in the video is making guacamole (which I'm not a big fan of) and talking quite a lot, while I'm peeling boiled potatoes. Then for whatever reason I decide to run away (probably to avoid eating the guacamole).

I wake up and find the same video still running.
And pretty much decide that's enough internet/video watching for the night...
#730 Old 10th Feb 2024 at 8:23 PM
I had to pick out socks from my sock basket just like in real life except I was wearing shorts and I dont wear shorts in real life because I get cold so I wear longs obviously. Maybe dream me also wants me to have better circulation
#731 Old 25th Feb 2024 at 8:32 PM
There was a chicken called Stanley and it was in charge of the construction site
#732 Old 26th Feb 2024 at 8:46 AM
I had a dream that my mother was a TA at this class I'm struggling with. I was taking an exam and (for some reason) took a break maybe 15 minutes before the exam end. In the break room, she was there, and I complained to her how the tasks were difficult and a pain in the ass. She asks, well?... And I say, it'd be beautiful if we had the exam problems listed publicly and available before the exam so we could practice better.

She says that she sent me the exact exam I'm taking, with everything answered, on my email. I blushed, ran away, checked my email and there it was. I tried to memorize as much as I could before I had to run to continue taking the exam. I woke up feeling like I've failed the exam yet again. (IRL, I was taking the exam last week and failed it. That was my third attempt, fourth if we count the dream too.)
Mad Poster
#733 Old 24th Mar 2024 at 10:29 AM
So...I am in front of the US Supreme Court but there are a few things off about it.

1.) Instead of the appointed 9, there are 13
2.) The justices are the characters of Organization XIII of the Kingdom Hearts series (it was strange enough that Walt Disney used to refer his Top 9 animators-turned-directors as the "Nine Old Men" (the common outdated nickname for the Supreme Court until women made it to the bench.)
3.) The chief justice was Xemnas

I honestly said "Your Honor, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why I am here in front of you and your 12 associates in the constant battle to keep the checks and balances in this country in order...if it's about anything I stole, lied about, cheated at, I can easily do time if need be."

He said "Actually we wanted to see your expression at our restructuring and you are surprised."

I woke up, got dressed and received my skin ointment and pasta I asked from dad.

It was a long day yesterday or at least it felt like it.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#734 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 10:09 PM
I had so many socks! Like I just kept pulling out more and more socks (why were they unfolded though?) from the basket in my wardrobe and I felt like a clown or a magician. Also, the socks not having any seams was like super mega important, which to be fair is way more comfortable and nicer to have in real life, but it seemed like it was life or death in the dream and that socks with seams could result in the end of the world. Then I was outside and had wellies on but not any of the ones I own and weather and location weren't right for wellies so I was just like??
#735 Old 7th Apr 2024 at 7:03 PM
I was kung-fu fighting. Supposedly, because it was obviously some kind of marital art but like I don't actually know the difference between any of them because I don't do any of them. Anyway I wasn't very good
#736 Old Today at 8:25 PM
I was on some kind of house tour that was seriously out of any resonable budget and also def not the kind of thing I'd ever want to live in (cold, soulless mansion, clinic vibe- yuck!)
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