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NEW BREED: Borzoah Hound

1,154 Downloads 91 Thanks  Thanks 6 Favourited 12,505 Views
Uploaded: 29th May 2010 at 11:53 PM
Updated: 10th Jun 2010 at 2:57 PM
Hello! I would like to introduce a new breed I have created, called the Borzoah Hound.

The Borzoah Hound is a medium-sized, long-legged ball of fun. It has large ears on top of its small head. It boasts a longer neck and body. It's chest is deep but it's stomach is tucked in, much like a Borzoi's would be.

The Borzoah Hound is something I found appealing to my eye, and when I created it I decided I would share it. The dog has very smooth and fluid movement, and I believe it would make a great addition to any family- no matter what size their house is!

-- This file is in .rar, I'm sure you guys know how to open .rar files by now
-- This breed was inspired by the Borzoi and Pharaoh Hound, if it's name didn't make it obvious enough

Additional Credits:
Eyes from awasegg (NOT included - default replacement)