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#1 Old 13th Dec 2010 at 7:34 AM
Default Simbot wall charging electrical outlet
Hi I was playing my simbot/cyberbot (half sim half simbot, actually kind of a funny story how that happened...) Anyways I had her tinkering a computer and she got shocked but then I realised it actually gave her energy! It didnt hurt her and she actually got a + moodlet for it!

I've tried purposely repeating the shock but I dont know of a reliable way to do that. I might try and learn how to make mods and maybe come up with an electrical outlet a simbot can figuratively "plug" into which would basically instantly shock them giving them energy instead of having to sleep, effectively the same thing and the plug would be more realistic.

Anyone ever thought of this or seen a mod that does this? Or know someone better then I am at modding (which is anyone) who'd be able to help me make this?


PS this is not a mod request but a general discussion on how. If anyone have any experience in mods and can help me please PM me or email me ([email protected])
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