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Test Subject
#151 Old 24th Jul 2014 at 3:41 AM
Hey there, long time Sim player here. I recently got back into the game after almost a year of not playing and went and purchased the last few Expansion Packs I was missing to complete TS3. I have never actually done a challenge before and I am going to make this my first!

It sounds like it will be a real challenge and I will hopefully remember to post some pics with updates here! I also decided to completely randomize all the children's traits to make raising them that much harder! Here we go...
Field Researcher
#152 Old 24th Jul 2014 at 7:27 AM
Im trying this I have all the names planned out already, so I thought I would share my names so others could avoid the stress of finding a good name for a difficult letter.

Adelaide or Allen
Becky or Benjamin
Cecelia or Connor
Delia or Danny
Eva or Eli
Faith or Freddy
Genevieve or Garret
Helen or Harison
Idina or Isaac
Jessica or Jack
Kelly or Kaiden
Lila or Landon
Maureen or Mark
Nikki or Nicholas
Opal or Orville
Penelope or Phin
Quinn or Quinn
Rachael or Remy
Samantha or Sebastian
Tess or Tomas
Ursela or Uriah
Vicky or Victor
Wednesday or Wade
Xaeda or Xander
Yazmin or Yakov
Zalia or Zane
Test Subject
#153 Old 28th Jul 2014 at 5:32 AM
I HAVE to try this out.
Test Subject
#154 Old 28th Jul 2014 at 5:42 AM
I HAVE to try this out.
Test Subject
#155 Old 11th Aug 2014 at 11:58 PM Last edited by megan19923 : 14th Aug 2014 at 7:33 AM.
wow that faimly tree thou. i see adam and zharlii are grandparents! wow great job!
WOOOO great job!
Test Subject
#156 Old 14th Aug 2014 at 7:35 AM
wow I wish I knew how to post pictures on this but currently I have been working on this challenge. I made my 2 sims alex and zoey rooney. So I got zoey preg. read the preg books and danced to kids channel! and only got one kid! babby adam. but all that book reading and dancing turned out useful! as alex and zoey had twins! blake (boy) cadence and daisy!. well zoey is preg again so I hope e f g come
Test Subject
#157 Old 14th Aug 2014 at 2:03 PM
Love this challenge, will definitely try this some time soon!
Lab Assistant
#158 Old 16th Aug 2014 at 11:40 AM
I have started this challenge and I am all ready pregnant with c so let's hope for the best
Mother is called sandie Smith and marries Christopher steel from sunset valley
Name ideas . I am doing girl boy order
I am useing a trick to determine if it is a boy or girl by eating 3watermelons for a girl and 3Apple's for a boy

If I have twins I will post their names :p
Test Subject
#159 Old 20th Aug 2014 at 6:33 PM
Three children so far, twin toddlers (Ava and Bethany) and a baby (Callie). My sim is pregnant again, hoping for a little boy for round four! Out little starter home is full to the brim
Test Subject
#160 Old 12th Oct 2014 at 8:30 PM
I think I might try this! Sounds like fun!
Test Subject
#161 Old 8th Dec 2014 at 4:31 AM
im trying it now my sim katrina calliente just had twins Avia and benny with geoffrey landgrabb
Test Subject
#162 Old 8th Dec 2014 at 5:11 AM
i did this here is my sims[IMG]Screenshot-399[/IMG] [IMG]screenshot-400[/IMG]
Test Subject
#163 Old 17th Feb 2015 at 9:55 AM
I'm gonna do this, problem is I have way to many names.
Test Subject
#164 Old 18th Feb 2015 at 9:30 PM
I just finished this challenge and it was my wry first, the parents were Anaka and Aaron and their children were... (Btw I only had 2 boys! I think my game was glitched)
Test Subject
#165 Old 19th Feb 2015 at 5:04 AM Last edited by ChallengeGirl : 19th Feb 2015 at 7:44 PM.
Default My A-Z Challenge Family
Hey everyone!
I am currently doing this challenge here are my parent sims Abigail and Zues Wood:

They are just watching T.V waiting for her to have a baby (She's prego I know it doesn't look like she is)
And i'll add a picture of the baby when he or she comes
Test Subject
#166 Old 19th Feb 2015 at 1:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by haylz320
If I was sick of toddlers there'd be no point in playing the game any more lol. I like playing big families or lots of generations. Everything else gets boring really fast, like career paths or rock collecting. That's why I liked this challenge so much.

I big families too, I did the 100 baby challenge without recording and completed it, I was SO happy!
Lab Assistant
#167 Old 21st Feb 2015 at 9:33 AM
my list:

A: Anders or Andrea
B: Branka or Barry
C: Cassandra or Carlos
D: Dorian or Diana
E: Elissa or Elizondo
F: Farren or Faris
G: Goldanna or Ghetto
H: Hawke (just bad traits but funny)
I: Isabela or Ivan
J: Jowan or Jenny
K: Karl or Khali
L: Lelianna or Lesboa
M: Morrigan or Marshall
N Nathaniel or Nadia
O: Oghren or Olga
P: Paulinne or Phillipe
Q: Qun (no name went to my head)
R: Rainier or Roberta
S: Sereda or Salomon
T: Teagan or Tamara
U: Ulrika or Ulrick
V: Varric or Vellana (only branch here)
W: Wynne or Wenceslao
X: Xochitl or Xavier
Y: Yokozuna or Ylva
Z: Zevran or Za Za

update by tomorrow...maybe, the other challenge i was doing got corrupted
Test Subject
#168 Old 22nd Feb 2015 at 6:08 PM
Um, I've started a blog following my progress on this, combined with several other challenges, click the link to check it out - http://babiespuppiesandfoals.blogspot.co.uk/
Lab Assistant
#169 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 5:45 AM
ok it doesn't matter if tomorrow i got to work i will post it today (could not do it on saturday nor sunday)

These are our couple: Draco Erakova and Agnes Erakova. Drako is a shortie but sturdy family guy (Brave, Family oriented, Nurturing, Disciplined and Clepto) and Agnes is a tall but childish and kinda hippie girl (Slob, Childis, Artistic, Hopeless Romantic and Family oriented) these guys moved to a home recently but it looks like a previous blizzard busted every water tube in the house, it was a flood:

After Draco dealed with the ducts in the house the moving issue could continue. They may have not so much, just a living room set that it was no set at all, since every chair is from a different set even if they look alike and a tv plus a wardrobe and a brass double bed, but it seems to be enough for now:

Still the house was not going to pay itself so Draco went to the spa to work as a specialist. Then the action started, the spoiled tall girl started to want "not so childish" stuff, and everyone's dad could not resist that

So after woo hooing, puking for weird reasons and joining her husbandad at the spa Agnes went outdoors to use her old "crayons" in random peoples homes and she noticed that she was pregnant. The first born was delivered right so meet Anders... i mean Andrea:

Her traits will be good sense of humor, loves the outdoors, cat person, flirty and rebelious (sounds familiar? i told you this will be Dragon Age based)
luckylly for me the girl born with the "loves the outdoors" trait already (I have that infamous "every trait" mod installed)

but as soon as Agnes free days came to end the second pregnancy came, this time it was at comunity gardens:

this time it was a girl named Branka:

and a Boy named cassandra... i mean Carlos:

her traits are Eccentric, handy, neurotic, hot head and loner while his traits will be Brave, Absent minded, Disciplined, hopeless romantic and computer wiz.
In order to not fail this challenge i decided to wait until those both toddlers learned every skill for trait choosing, but as soon as it ended guess what?

Agnes went pregnant again, now both of Draco and Agnes have fertility treatment so next deliverings will be triplets each... here comes the pain:
the next were Dorian, Elissa and Faris:

Dorian traits are Rebelious, flirty, irresistible, schmoozer and good sense of humor, Elissa is Good, ambitious, hopeless romantic, family oriented and great kisser, finally Faris ones are mean spirited, brave, disciplined, daredevil and Athletic.
The house is full so no matter how hard both Agnes and Draco tried no more kids were delivered, but even if Andrea was a teen she could not leave the house yet:

and university is not an option yet too... ANDREA TO THE RESCUE!

4 days passed and the magic number 3 and the magi A+ came, enough to fast forward her bday NOW:

Also choose her last trait CAT PERSON... oh forgot to mention that she had affairs with every boy in HS (even some professors)
She decided to left home with her brothers because the house was too small too handle more incoming children, also her mother had more babies in the oven probably, the living room was not enough for everyone to eat, 2 people always had dinner in direfent rooms: one in the toilet and one in the computer.

Well this is all for today, the micro managing of everyone here is too much. Failing in one trait means game over unless i'm lucky enough to keep it DA related... Planned to use only the DAO and Awakenings characters (since DA2 and DAI were hipster fuel instead of actual games) but changed my mind, I loved Hawke, Isabela and Varric in DA2 (in fact i romanced isabela), and DAI had interesting characters too.
Test Subject
#170 Old 26th Feb 2015 at 11:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by haylz320
So, after many, many hours, I can finally say that I successfully completed this challenge - all in one generation, might I add (yes, it is possible!).

My two starting sims were Adam and Zharlii Samuels.

They both have childish and family-orientated traits.

Their first-born is a daughter named April.

The next pregnancy brought Adam and Zharlii their first set of twins, Belle and Charisma.

Already with three little girls, Adam and Zharlii got pregnancy again. With another set of twins! This time, it was twin boys named Damian and Elijah.

By now, the house is almost stuffed to breaking point. Zharlii has another surprise though, and Flynn is welcomed to the family.

Slowly all the youngesters grow up. Although stressful, the family are all close to one another, so when it was time for April to move out, she took her twin sisters with her. While all this was happening, Zharlii announced her fifth pregnancy - twins again! The two boys were named Garrett and Hayden.

Only nine months after the latest editions arrived, another little boy entered the world named Isaac.

Being part of this ever-growing family was tough, there was no denying it. After a restless night thinking about his older boys' struggle for independence and peace and quiet, Adam decided to go for a late-night walk to clear his head. That's when he noticed the 'For Sale' sign on the house across the road. The next morning, the house was his, and he explained his plan to the now-teenage Damian and Elijah to let them move in there. Delighted, the boys packed up their things. The house was momentarily less crowded, until the newest set of twins, Jarred and Kyden, arrived. The months melted into years, and before long, Flynn, Garrett and Hayden had decided it was time to move in with their older brothers.

Also during that time, little Levi entered the world. Although thrilled with their latest arrival, Zharlii knew she wouldn't be able to have any more children of her own. Despite their aging their bodies suggesting otherwise, the couple knew they were fit enough to raise more children, so they turned to adoption. Not liking to choose babies themselves, they organised to adopt in girl-boy order, and let the agency choose the child for them. Marley was the first to join the family this way, followed closely by Noah, then Opheera and Phillippe.

One by one the birthdays came and went, and soon enough, more of the family was ready to leave. Some joined the boys' house across the street, while others chose to live with one of their oldest sisters'. Enjoying the fulfillment of adoption so much, Quinlynn joined the family next, followed by her brother Rory and sister Sadie.

Despite her passions for her children, Zharlii's health was starting to fade and old age was catching up to her. She welcomed her newest adoptee Treyden with open arms, but those arms were shaky and arthritic.

It didn't come as much of a surprise when she passed away at lunchtime one morning while Treyden was sleeping in his crib.

Although obviously devastated, Adam knew he had children to look after, and so it became his sole purpose to raise his children alone. Soon enough, he got into a routine, the years going by one by one, the family starting shrinking as they went off to join other siblings or live with their partners. Looking at Zharlii's elaborate headstone one sunset, he decided that since he was still fit and healthy, and since Zharlii loved children so much (as did he), that he would continue adopting. He wasn't sure how many more he'd be able to manage, but he also knew that if he didn't keep busy, he'd probably sink into depression with the realization that his partner is gone and his kids are growing up. During that week, Adam met Ulaani, and once again knew his purpose in life.

Within the next few years, Vaughn and Winter joined the family as well, then Xavier.

Adam worked tirelessly on teaching all his children the ways of the world, but it was hard to avoid the exhaustion that rippled through his body and the aches and pains that greeted him every morning. He couldn't help himself one morning, though, after little Winter said her first word - "daddy". He called the agency once more, and soon enough, Yordana joined the family.

Not wanting to end on an impluse decision, Adam called the agency one last time knowing this would be his final child. He was named Zack.

After teaching Zack how to talk, Adam spent the remainer of his 110th day in Simworld at his sons' house across the street. He curled up in one of the beds for an afternoon nap. Dreaming of the future and of Zharlii, he took is last breath.

Let me sum that up for you again:


I had a lot of fun with this challenge. I really didn't think I'd manage to finish it...I expected Adam to die fairly soon after Zharlii, who died at around 90 days, I think. Instead, he survived until 110 and saw Zack into toddlerhood.
Lab Assistant
#171 Old 27th Feb 2015 at 8:20 PM
i have to redo this challenge because i have the sims at my house now but the names are going to be the same
A-Amber or Arron
B-ben or Bethany
C-Catherine or Cameron
D-Dominic or Damita
E-elsa or eric
F-freddie or Frankie
G-gemma or George
H-harry or Hannah
I-india or Izac
J-joe or Jenny
K-karen or keiran
L-lewis or Lacey
M-maddison or micheal
N-nigel or nathalia
O-olivia or owen
P-peter or poppy
Q-queenie or quin
R-rickie or rhiannon
S-sarah or sam
T-thomas or tamara
U-una or ulirak
V-vinnie or veronica
W-wendy or william
X-xavier or xania
Y-yasmine or yavon
Z-zac or zinnia
Test Subject
#172 Old 12th May 2015 at 5:33 PM
I started with this challenge a while ago and now I have 6 children. Alicia, Benjamin, Casper, Daisy, Eric and Felicia.
Test Subject
#173 Old 22nd May 2015 at 6:11 AM
I started today, this is what I have so far.

Our founders, which I poached from previous saves of mine.
Arcadia Florin (Nee Bleue) who is also the founder for my perfect genetics game. She had a minor personality lift, because I couldn't do this to her and have her still hate children, so now she is a bookworm, artistic, family oriented, excitable snob.

And Noam Florin who is a gender swap of one of my favorite sims born in game Nadine Florin. He's possibly a little too pretty to function but I like him none the less. His traits remain the same as Nadine's Neurotic, light sleeper, computer wiz, friendly, supernatural fan (which was a matter of contention with the family as they were strictly against supernaturals)

Their first born son: Antony Florin, who takes his entire palate from Arcadia. He is clumsy and Athletic. He'll age up again in three days time.

Next came the twins:
Blanca Florin, who is an evil genius

and Clementine Florin, who dredged far back in the genetic line to find black hair. She's insane and loves the outdoors.

Finally, just now we had triplets Dmitri Florin (Loner Virtuoso), Evangeline Florin (Loves the outdoors, Light sleeper), and Finch Florin (loves the outdoors and is Easily impressed)
Test Subject
#174 Old 7th Jun 2015 at 5:31 PM Last edited by AyeeItzZoe : 7th Jun 2015 at 5:31 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes
I can not wait to start this it seems really interesting in fun. Im sure i can do it in a day. :D
Field Researcher
#175 Old 8th Jun 2015 at 7:44 PM Last edited by Simlover7114 : 9th Jun 2015 at 9:03 PM.
Alright, I have been hearing about this challenge for so long, but never got around to trying it! I had no idea what I was missing. I also wanted to give myself a bit more of a challenge... I know I'm probably going to rage quit over it at some point and go to the normal style, but I'm going to play that if my sim has twins or triplets, they all have to use the same letter, as though there was only one of them. So I will have to have 26 pregnancies/adoptions, I dunno why I want to, I just thought it'd be interesting. I'm also going to try my sims only adopting toddlers, I usually skip the adoption toddlers or infants (or as I call them, baby burritos) but I feel like that would be important to the challenge.

I decided to go ahead and make several names on a list for myself...
A - (boy) Adam, Asher, Ace, Andy
(girl) Ande/Andy, Ashley, Amelia, Alex/Alec
B - (boy) Brett, Brendon, Blake
(girl) Bonnie, Belle, Brandi, Becca
C - (boy) Clinton, Chris, Cole
(girl) Chloe, Claire, Cynthia, Christy
D - (boy) Dylan, Dexter, Dane
(girl) Dakota, Daphne, Daisy, Dawn
E - (boy) Eric, Emmett, Elmo (lol I looked up baby names with e for boys... That was one of the things I saw, "hey, look it's Elmo!"... Sorry, never knew people were Elmo's)
(girl) Etta, Ella, Emelia, Ellie, Elisabeth, Elise
F - (boy) Flynn, Freddie, Fraser
(girl) Felicia, Fiona, Faith, Freda
G - (boy) Garrett, George, Gerard
(girl) Grace, Gabrielle, Ginny
H - (boy) Hunter, Hawk, Harley
(girl) Harper, Hope, Helena
I - (boy) Ian, Isaac, Isiah
(girl) Isabelle, Iris, Ivy
J - (boy) James, Jacob, Jeremy
(girl) Jasmine, Jaquine, Jillian
K - (boy) Kyle, Keith, Koby
(girl) Kelly, Kimberly, Katherine
L - (boy) Luke, Link, Leo
(girl) Lotus, Lily, Lisa
M - (boy) Micheal, Mark, Matthew, Mason
(girl) Magnolia, Marigold, Malerie
N - (boy) Nick, Nate, Nathan
(girl) Natalie, Nicole, Nina
O - (boy) Ollie, Oliver, Owen
(girl) Orchid, Olivia, Ohanna
P - (boy) Patrick, Phoenix, Parker
(girl) Poppy, Paige, Penelope
Q - (boy) Quinn, Quimby, Quillon
(girl) Quinta, Quinn, Queen
R - (boy) Roy, Raymond, Richard
(girl) Raye, Raegan, Riley
S - (boy) Samuel, Sammy, Shane, Sebastian
(Girl) Sami, Shae, Samantha
T - (boy) Tucker, Troy, Tyler
(girl) Tammy, Taylor, Trinity
U - (boy) Urian, Ugo, Ura
(girl) Ursula, Uma, Uli
V - (boy) Vincent, Victor, Vladimir
(girl) Vanessa, Victoria, Violet
W - (boy) Wayd, William, Wyatt
(girl) Wanda, Willow, Whitney
X - (boy) Xavier, Xeno, Xander
(girl) Xena, Xabrina, Xylona
Y - (boy) Yuri, York, Yahya
(girl) Yasmine, Yvonne, Yolanda
Z - (boy) Zach, Zabi, Zu
(girl) Zelda, Zoey, Zora

I made them all 3 names on each because of my rule above and also the fact that even if it's only one baby, I'll have some options at my fingertips. If anybody is stuck on a letter feel free to use some of my names I'm happy to share, especially since I didn't even make any up lol.

Update 1!: 4 children around this house now. 3 boys and 1 girl, a set of triplets and a single baby (and another on the way!). Their names are... Asher (boy), Belle, Brendon, and Blake. Also... A main source of income is also how Vicki, the mother, fell pregnant for this third time. She is paid 50 for every date. Colin, her husband, has a job as a pro sports player (yay, something well-ish paying!). They also have 2 dogs, Biter and Killer, who had 2 pups. They got rid of one but kept the other.

"900 years of time and space, and I have never met someone who wasn't important."
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