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#1 Old 21st Mar 2008 at 5:29 PM
Default Interaction between two Sims?
I've had some luck with creating some simple animations and I have some basic knowledge of SimPE, but now seem to be really stuck with the problem of synchronizing of the interaction between 2 sims. For example, animations of one sim helping another one to get up, dancing together, hugging etc

Say, when you look at maxis animation of sims holding hands, if you pull the sims apart, the hands of one sim will stretch towards another one's direction. This is the effect I want to be able to create myself.
So basically my question is.. how do I make a joint of Sim A's body 'stick' to the bone on the Sims' B body?

If anyone could give me some tips or point me into the right direction, any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

my website: www.SimsOverdrive.com
Retired Duck
retired moderator
#2 Old 4th Apr 2008 at 9:51 AM
Hey! Not sure how I missed this post, but here's a bit of information to get you started.

When sims stretch some part of their body to match up with some object (or other sim) it's called an "Inverse Kinematic" animation. (Also called "IK Animations"). At the moment our ability to create IK animations is extremely limited, since we haven't entirely finished decoding that part of the file formats. We can fake it in some cases, by just approximating where the sims need to put their hands in order to touch, but it won't be quite as perfect as an IK is.
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