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#1 Old 1st Oct 2009 at 1:10 PM
Default Hair of Nouk conversion's texture wonky...
Okay, I'm including the package file here, ignore the random name please .

I've tried switching up the hair files rotating things, and it barely helps, it seems that where it goes into the ponytail the hair instead of going back and forth goes side to side... I heard the hair might need the rest of it's textures, but how would I do this? Since I'm only aloud to have one texture? Would I have to reUV map it? If so, can I have some pointers, because I'm clueless with that stuff.

Package file attached with the full hair package, openable in S3PE.
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#2 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 8:43 PM
The original has two seperate texture file instead of one.
One is for the head, the other is for the rest. You will have to combine these two, and remap the mesh accordingly.
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